Photo of Rachel Romano

Rachel Romano

Founder & CEO

Compelled by the need to address the chronic challenges of the city’s middle schools, Rachel Romano founded Veritas Prep Charter School in 2012. Prior to founding Veritas Prep, Ms. Romano was the principal and executive director of the Christa McAuliffe Regional Charter School, where she led the school to achieve consistent gains in student achievement and increased enrollment by 62%.

A certified principal and English teacher in Massachusetts, Ms. Romano spent six years working in Springfield Public Schools as a teacher and school leader. She earned a B.S. in journalism from Syracuse University and an M.Ed. in education administration from the University of Massachusetts. Ms. Romano was a 2010 Fellow with Building Excellent Schools.

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With limited spaces available, the best opportunity to join our community is when entering 5th grade—where the journey toward career success begins. Don't miss out on securing a spot for your child in our exceptional learning community, where we lay the foundation for college and career. Is your child ready to thrive in our community?