Family Resources
- VPCS District Calendar 2024-2025
- Student and Family Handbook
- 2022-2023 DESE Annual Report
- DESE District Report Card
- Employee Handbook, Including Staff Code of Conduct
- 2022-23 Annual Report
- 2023-24 Annual Report
Notices of Rights and Protocols
- English Language Learners Notice of Rights
- Special Education Notice of Rights
- Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment Protocol
- VPCS Child Find Notification
- VPCS Parents/Guardians Right To Know (English)
- Derecho a saber de los padres/tutores de VPCS (español)
Mental & Medical Health
Middle School
Use the JumpRope portal to review your scholar’s current grades, course schedule, missing assignments, and recent assessments.
High School
Families can access the Powerschool portal to review their scholar’s current grades, course schedule, missing assignments, and recent assessments.
Secure Your Child's Spot
With limited spaces available, the best opportunity to join our community is when entering 5th grade—where the journey toward career success begins. Don't miss out on securing a spot for your child in our exceptional learning community, where we lay the foundation for college and career. Is your child ready to thrive in our community?