Photo of Dr. Jonathan Swan

Dr. Jonathan Swan

Chief Operating Officer

Jonathan joined the team at Veritas Prep in 2018.  Jonathan began his career in education as a high school history teacher in Springfield, Massachusetts. After spending time teaching History and Social Studies at the high school and then middle level, he went on to become a middle school assistant principal, and middle school principal.

As a middle school principal, Jonathan gained experience in school turnaround and led a team of educators in improving student performance for four consecutive years. Jonathan worked as a central office administrator for the Hartford Public Schools from 2010 to 2018, and worked in various roles supporting school redesign and leadership development. As the Assistant Superintendent and Chief School Improvement Officer, Jonathan oversaw the district’s systems for developing the instructional leadership capacity of school leaders as one of the key levers in the district’s school improvement efforts.

Jonathan received his PhD from Lesley University’s Graduate School of Education, and his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Springfield College.

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With limited spaces available, the best opportunity to join our community is when entering 5th grade—where the journey toward career success begins. Don't miss out on securing a spot for your child in our exceptional learning community, where we lay the foundation for college and career. Is your child ready to thrive in our community?