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The Application Process

Veritas Prep is a tuition-free, nonselective public charter school. Any student in Springfield can apply to Veritas Prep and students are chosen via a lottery held each year. The application is very easy to complete. Applications are available online, are only one page, and are written in both English and Spanish. Our front desk staff is available to provide support in filling out the charter school application and can provide a paper application if requested.

young student taking notes

How Does the Lottery Work for Charter Schools?

There are 120 spots available for the 5th grade. The first 120 applications pulled through the lottery are offered a spot. All other 5th-grade applicants are placed on the waitlist.

There are limited seats in grades 6-11 that also will be filled through the lottery. All grade 6–11 applicants who do not get a spot are automatically placed on the waitlist. If openings become available in grades 6–11, applicants are pulled off the waitlist in the chronological order of their waitlist number.

All applicants, regardless of whether they are offered a seat, receive an email with their status (enrollment offer or waitlist) via the email address listed on their application. Emails are sent out one week after the lottery.

If an applicant gets a spot and accepts, they must complete an enrollment packet. The enrollment packet is both in English and Spanish.

Start Your Application

We are still accepting enrollment applications for the 25-26 school year in grades 5-11!

Applications are available in English and Spanish and can be submitted via PowerSchool using the links below. You can also print a copy of the application and mail it to Veritas Prep Charter School, 370 Pine Street, Springfield, MA 01105. Mailed applications must be postmarked by Friday, February 14, 2025. Applications are also available for pick up at our Middle School (370 Pine Street, Springfield, MA 01105) or our High School (225 Carando Drive, Springfield MA) locations. Paper applications can be completed on site, dropped back off at either school, or can be mailed in.

Applications due Monday, March 17, 2025 by 5:00 p.m.

The lottery will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

Below are some of the frequently asked questions we receive. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.